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Traffic ticket processing information. How not to pay the full price (fine) for a traffic law violation. This information is useful in any state, not just Louisiana.

Katrina Legal

The Truth 
Don't dri
ve recklessly in Louisiana. If you do - we hope you get caught by law enforcers and held accountable. Driving recklessly kills people and damages lives and property.

A new twist on this happened to me recently. I was stopped by a motorcycle policeman who clocked me as I was heading his way. I was doing 70 mpg in a 55 mph zone. When he stopped me I explained I was late for a meeting and that was my only excuse. I also added that I do not normally speed. He walked to the back of my car and proceeded to write me a ticket. When he presented me with the ticket he warned me that I should always be wearing a seat belt and that he would let the speeding ticket go but he was writing me up for no seat belt. I was actually wearing my seat belt and, dumb me, I tried to argue with the officer that I was wearing my seat belt. He argued with me that I wasn't until I caught on that he was actually processing my ticket before I had a chance to!

In Louisiana, people give tickets to people.
Don't forget that if you can think of any link (common ground) to the person who is writing you the ticket, the penalty may not be as bad. The officer writing you a ticket may belong to the same hunting club as your neighbor back home.




Repairing A Traffic Ticket

We wish this didn't have to be published. However, everytime we see a stranger in a small town being stop by the local police we want to stop and tell the stranger the following information what to do.

"Fixing a ticket" is not legal.

"Processing" a ticket is a process that allows the powers of the local law (sheriffs, cops, mayors, state representatives, and most politicians) to change to the way the traffic ticket is "processed."

If you get stopped by a policeman because you were not following the law of the road, here is what you may do.

First, always call the police person "officer."

Be polite and agree with the complaint.

Ask if he can reduce the ticket to a seat belt violation because - make up a good excuse.

If the officer writes anything more than seat belt ticket then you may want to try to get the ticket processed.

Time is of the essence. The longer the ticket moves through the system, the harder it is to get processed.

If you are not a local and do not plan to stay around the town you were written up, then you may be able to get the ticket processed from your home town.

In Town Processing
You must talk with someone in the system ASAP. The ticket can usually be processed by anyone in the "system" - often any secretary or maintenance worker in the town can help you get the ticket process. The best person to process the ticket is an elected "official." If you are not a resident, tell them you were in the area because you are moving to town soon. Blab blab blab. There is no reason for them to process the ticket unless you can help them later. Greed motivates 99% of human beings on this planet. A potential vote is sometimes reason enough for an elected official to help you with your plight. When getting the ticket process always stress that this was a very unusual event that led you to get this ticket.

Many times you will have fallen into a speeding "trap." If that is the case, then everyone in the system knows that you were actually trapped. For some people in the system, this will allow them to believe that you may not be totally guilty -- and they may be more likely to help you. Remember all you are asking for is for a reduction to a seat belt violation. This allows them to still get some money out of your wallet for their "general fund" and you get don't have to worry about your insurance going up.

So if you are able to go over to the town hall in the area you got the ticket to talk with the clerks and who ever else is hanging around - this may be a big help.

Out Of Town Processing.
Out of town processing may be easier - depending on who you know. Are you on good terms with a local politician who can call the equivalent politician in the town where you got the ticket. Remember, these kinds of calls are made everyday by politicians. It may be one of the reasons why real work rarely gets done efficiently by the government.

If you don't know any politicians, then it may be a good opportunity to make a new "friend." In Louisiana, this happens every day - some poor slob goes to visit a politician he has never met to get a ticket processed. If you are a reasonable person and not a habitable criminal, then you have a good chance of getting your Louisiana ticket processed. 

The Truth 
Don't dri
ve recklessly in Louisiana. If you do - we hope you get caught by law enforcers and held accountable. Driving recklessly kills people and damages lives and property.

Here are some good links about safe driving.

Driving Safety Tips, Rainy Weather in Louisiana

Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Louisiana Traffic Safety Laws




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